Tuesday, January 13, 2009

terapis seks

Mariyln Volker, Ed. D, terapis seks mention of Miami Florida, a body part which is very important role in successfully penis male brain is working optimally.

In the brain, hormone balance the emotions are located. The reaction in the brain of a transit through the events. Without transit, the emotions that will not react . As a result, our lives without control.

Similarly, work it. When the brain does not work due to stress and a maximum weight of pressure, sexual excitement (including interest on the pair) will not appear in the brain . As a result, decreased sexual passion. It will not work optimally. Ejakulasi early, one of the effects.

Therefore, guard and keep your brain health with some of the following tips:
* Set the self that does not stress,
* Rest enough,
* Sports and organized proportionally,
* Eat nutritious food, and
* Always go

Thursday, January 8, 2009

TIPS avoid heart disease KORONER

* Check blood pressure regularly
* No smoking
* Check whether you have a Diabetes, and keep dry
blood glucose when you have a Diabetes
* Guard a normal body weight
* Sports regularly
* Reduce the impact of stress relaxation in a way
* Perform regular health checks

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Apple, who does not know with this fruit? The fruit is sold as easily obtained in many places selling fruit. Many kinds of fruit, and apples have color everywhere.

Many apples preferred because it is typical. Based on the research, in one apple only property believed to have many beneficial for the body. What are the actual fruit of apples? And what benefits can be obtained from an apple?

Apple has a lot of the womb vitamins, minerals and other elements such as fitokimian, fiber, tanin, baron, Tartars acid, and other. This is the very substance dipelukan for our bodies to prevent and cope with various diseases.

For the next, will be discussed about what the apple in the fruit? And what are the benefits of apple fruit?

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Benefits of Tea

Benefits of tea are as antioxidants, repair cells damaged, refine skin, streamline the body, prevent cancer, prevent heart disease, reduce cholesterol in the blood, the blood circulation swing. So, do not wonder if this drink have been used as the rich benefits of the drink.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Manfaat buah Alpukat

Anda perlu tahu bahwa Hampir setiap bagian dari pohon alpukat memiliki manfaat. Kayu pohon alpukat bermanfaat sebagai bahan bakar. bahkan Biji dan daunnya dapat digunakan dalam industri pakaian. Kulit pohonnya dapat digunakan untuk pewarna coklat pada produk yang terbuat dari kulit.

Ada yang lebih menari lagi bahwa Dalam bidang kecantikan, buah alpukat juga sering digunakan sebagai masker wajah. Buah ini bagi kebanyakan orang khususnya bagi kaum wanita dianggap mampu membuat kulit lebih kencang. Buah alpukat juga bermanfaat untuk perawatan rambut misalnya sewaktu melakukan creambath.

Dan juga Selain itu buah alpukat juga tentu bisa dinikmati sebagai hidangan yang lezat. Berbagai hidangan disajikan dengan menambah alpukat sebagai bagian dari hidangan tersebut.

bagaimana anda ingin mencoba ?

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Middle ear consists of the ear drum and the room that contains 3 bones called bone hammer, and the bones the foundation stirrup bone. The sound waves into the ear causes the ear drum vibrate. This vibration dihantarkan to the bone through the third. In the ear, the vibration is changed in the form of impulse-impulse that will be taken by the nerve to the brain. If the process penulangan this will affect the ability of excessive bone stirrup for delivering sound waves and horrible ear drum. Causing hearing loss.

Otosklerosis grouped in the interference because hantaran affect bone-ear bones in the delivery of sound to the auditory nerve. If someone is experiencing hearing loss that neural (nerve), the hantaran impulse-nerve impulse to the brain will be involved.

Otosklerosis often a condition that is revealed (herediter). About 10% of the population suffering otosklerosis ethnic Caucasus, but is rarely found in other ethnic. Women more than men suffer otosklerosis. Is the cause of the interference that often hantaran hearing at the age of 15 - 50 years, but if the process penulangan this only happens in bone and the bones the foundation hammer usually no symptoms and are often not detected. If there penulangan in the stirrup bone then there is progressive hearing loss.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

How to reduce the emergence of tartar

Formation of tartar can be on all the people, process and the formation we can not avoid but we can reduce. How to reduce the formation of tartar is:

The first is to maintain diligent dental hygiene, namely with the brush teeth at least twice a day in which all the correct parts tersikat teeth clean. Also do not forget to wipe with a soft gum slowly. To jaw of the gums, brush teeth movement from top to bottom, gums and jaw to the movement toothbrushes from bottom to top. This can prevent formation of tartar.