Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Apple, who does not know with this fruit? The fruit is sold as easily obtained in many places selling fruit. Many kinds of fruit, and apples have color everywhere.

Many apples preferred because it is typical. Based on the research, in one apple only property believed to have many beneficial for the body. What are the actual fruit of apples? And what benefits can be obtained from an apple?

Apple has a lot of the womb vitamins, minerals and other elements such as fitokimian, fiber, tanin, baron, Tartars acid, and other. This is the very substance dipelukan for our bodies to prevent and cope with various diseases.

For the next, will be discussed about what the apple in the fruit? And what are the benefits of apple fruit?

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Benefits of Tea

Benefits of tea are as antioxidants, repair cells damaged, refine skin, streamline the body, prevent cancer, prevent heart disease, reduce cholesterol in the blood, the blood circulation swing. So, do not wonder if this drink have been used as the rich benefits of the drink.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Manfaat buah Alpukat

Anda perlu tahu bahwa Hampir setiap bagian dari pohon alpukat memiliki manfaat. Kayu pohon alpukat bermanfaat sebagai bahan bakar. bahkan Biji dan daunnya dapat digunakan dalam industri pakaian. Kulit pohonnya dapat digunakan untuk pewarna coklat pada produk yang terbuat dari kulit.

Ada yang lebih menari lagi bahwa Dalam bidang kecantikan, buah alpukat juga sering digunakan sebagai masker wajah. Buah ini bagi kebanyakan orang khususnya bagi kaum wanita dianggap mampu membuat kulit lebih kencang. Buah alpukat juga bermanfaat untuk perawatan rambut misalnya sewaktu melakukan creambath.

Dan juga Selain itu buah alpukat juga tentu bisa dinikmati sebagai hidangan yang lezat. Berbagai hidangan disajikan dengan menambah alpukat sebagai bagian dari hidangan tersebut.

bagaimana anda ingin mencoba ?

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Middle ear consists of the ear drum and the room that contains 3 bones called bone hammer, and the bones the foundation stirrup bone. The sound waves into the ear causes the ear drum vibrate. This vibration dihantarkan to the bone through the third. In the ear, the vibration is changed in the form of impulse-impulse that will be taken by the nerve to the brain. If the process penulangan this will affect the ability of excessive bone stirrup for delivering sound waves and horrible ear drum. Causing hearing loss.

Otosklerosis grouped in the interference because hantaran affect bone-ear bones in the delivery of sound to the auditory nerve. If someone is experiencing hearing loss that neural (nerve), the hantaran impulse-nerve impulse to the brain will be involved.

Otosklerosis often a condition that is revealed (herediter). About 10% of the population suffering otosklerosis ethnic Caucasus, but is rarely found in other ethnic. Women more than men suffer otosklerosis. Is the cause of the interference that often hantaran hearing at the age of 15 - 50 years, but if the process penulangan this only happens in bone and the bones the foundation hammer usually no symptoms and are often not detected. If there penulangan in the stirrup bone then there is progressive hearing loss.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

How to reduce the emergence of tartar

Formation of tartar can be on all the people, process and the formation we can not avoid but we can reduce. How to reduce the formation of tartar is:

The first is to maintain diligent dental hygiene, namely with the brush teeth at least twice a day in which all the correct parts tersikat teeth clean. Also do not forget to wipe with a soft gum slowly. To jaw of the gums, brush teeth movement from top to bottom, gums and jaw to the movement toothbrushes from bottom to top. This can prevent formation of tartar.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Know your organs of reproduction

Serviks organ is part of the female reproductive system. This is part of the uterus under aliases such as heart shaped pear fruit. Cervical this is the uterus with the vagina. Through this channel cervix blood flow menstruation each month out through the vagina.

Serviks jugs produce mucus. This mucus duty to help sperm move from the vagina to the uterus. During pregnancy, serviks closed meeting in order to protect the baby in the womb. When the baby is born ready, cervix is open, so that the baby is able to pass through the vagina.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Karang gigi

Karang gigi (Calculus) merupakan kumpulan plak termineralisasi (pembentukan mineral seperti "batukarang") yang menempel pada permukaan gigi.

Berdasarkan lokasinya, karang gigi ada di supragingiva (permukaan gigi diatas gusi) dan di subgingiva (permukaan gigi di bawah gusi).

Karang gigi terutama timbul pada daerah-daerah gigi yang sulit dibersihkan.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Vagina cancer

Vagina is the channel that connects the mouth and cervix with the outside of the body. Cancer that attacks the vagina is usually found in the vagina channel, or on the walls of the vagina.

Generally, this cancer that has attacked women entering a period off. Even so, but it means that women in the reproductive phase is not possible to catch this disease. Greater risk faced by women who do not maintain the cleanliness of the vagina and also women who often had sexual intercourse change - change pair.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Preventive vaccination Rahim Cancer

Recognized by Dr. Nugroho, vaccination is only to prevent HPV types 16 and 18 that the risk of causing cancer cervix. "This vaccine can not kill 30 up to 40 HPV, which attacks the reproductive organs of 120 species have been identified. However, there are also several types of HPV that took tercegah owing to vaccination," he said.

How can transmission of HPV through sexual intercourse and non-sexual. Point occur through sexual contact genitals, both through having sex or oral sex. The path of non-sex occurs through the clothing, gloves operations, and normal birth through the vagina. In this case, the virus moved from the vagina to the baby through the channel is a baby.

HPV infection, according to Dr. Nugroho, classified in sexual diseases (STIs). More than 75 percent of women who had intimate related HPV infected. This peak infection occurs between the ages of 18 to 22 years old. Infection is increased many-fold risk if often paired. "Remember also that men can also transmit HPV," a time.

Infection can also occur on yourself. When that happens, the virus HPV 80 percent will be cleared by the immune system. The rest likely to be settled infection in the body and cervix cancer risk.

Although already vaccinated, pap smear tests still recommended by Dr. Nugroho. "If you are married or do hubngan sex, do the pap smear regularly," he said. Pap smear is a procedure, the cells from the cervix to be examined by the microscope to detect the difference in the cervix.

Vaccination and pap smear along with educational problems Cervical cancer is the cancer prevention measures. "From the hospital, cervix cancer is the number one killer in Indonesia. From the data population, breast cancer is the number one in Indonesia," he said.

According to WHO, each year around the world 490 thousand women diagnosed suffering from cancer cervix. Most people with cancer in the developing countries. From the number 490 thousand, 240 thousand of them died.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Strawberry fruit

now there are more than 700 kinds of strawberry fruit spread all over the world and that we find in many supermarkets, modern strawberry is the (commercial) Fragaria x annanassa var Duchesne generated from crossing F. virgina L var Duchesne origin North America debgab F. Chilioensis L. Var Duchesne Chilean origin.

Strawberry began in the know in Indonesia in mid-1990. Strawberry, which require low temperatures to grow with very good match Rancabali area, Bandung. Strawberry, which planted many of the population is fragaria nilgerrensis by the local residents more familiar with the Strawberry Nyodo. In addition to the area of West Java, Strawberry also began to be cultivated in the area of Karang Anyar Tawangmangu district, Sukabumi, Cipanas, Lembang, Stone and Bedugul (Bali).

Fruit, which indicates that the red fruit is rich in color pigment antosianin and contain antioxidants that high. Because of the high content of antioksidannya strawberry that has a lot of property. In addition, it strawberry rich Vitamin C, fiber, low calorie, folat, Potassium, and ellagic acid.

The eight strawberry fruit each day, it needs vitamin C and fiber adults have tercukupi. Strawberry has kandugan Vitamin C as much as 56.7 mg per 100 grams.

With the vitamin C content of its strawberry is believed to be able to reduce the risk of cancer disease to 37% as released the Iowa Women's Health Study, in addition to the strawberry is also believed capable of preventing breast cancer and cervix.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Regional Red Oral Sex

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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Mungbean benefits for hair

Hair fall is a problem that many dihadapai by many people, women or men. If not in on, your head will often result fall. Many people who use drugs deciduous species, but not all successfully. Are even more hair fall out because they do not match the drugs used.

Now use the traditional way of treatment, more safe and natural. Use green beans to overcome kerontokan your hair, how:

Take two handheld green beans, then add the water into the pan you use two cups and then boiled green beans with water to live up to half.

After that take water from boiling green beans and diembunkan night. Then, next morning you can use and oleskan to the scalp and leave until the afternoon. Go for 7 days, the hair will be spared.

Oral Health

ABSES gum (gums disease)

With the finger you can feel the swollen gums and pain, sometimes has pus.

Infection from the root of a tooth or tooth-abses around the teeth, gums or infection, or both. Bial is not treated, can cause swelling in the face.

What can you do

* Drinking pereda pain medication when necessary and do not menggit in the teeth sankut.

* Gargle warm salt water after meals to clean the part (By the way: Enter salt into warm water, kumur-kumur Leave briefly and salt water in the mouth. Repeat several times).

15 Benefits of Yoga

1. More feksibel
2. Stronger
3. Improving's
4. Protect from rheumatism and joint artritis
5. Protecting the backbone
6. Preventing osteoporosis
7. Via blood circulation
8. Cleanup limfa
9. Protecting the heart
10. Lower blood pressure
11. Maintaining memory
12. Bring happiness
13. Weight loss
14. Lower blood sugar and cholesterol evil
15. Increasing intelligence

10 Reasons Sex

Below 10 will be explained the benefits of sex.

1. Sex Eliminate Stress
2. Sex Increase Power Hold Body
3. The merit sexuality Weight
4. I Heart Healthy Sex
5.Seks Increase confidence
6. Increase sexual intimacy
7. Sex Can Eliminate Pain & Pain
8. Sex Reduce the Risk of prostate cancer
9. Practice Walls sex Vagina
10. Create a sex sleep better.

Select a condom tips

You are confused in choosing a security sex? Condoms are the most practical device. There are tips in the select, for the convenience of self and partner.

Do not use lubricants, because this type of easy damaged and can lead to the penis numb. For those who have seriously crazy early, use condoms that contain numbing jell to make your "last" longer. For you who like new things, use condoms with a vibrating ring that can stimulate Clitoris pair. Do not try to counterfeit condoms Magnum fact, if your property is not big enough. Condoms can slip down the penetration.

Dental Wire: Trend or Health?

First period, braces had become a trend. until now it braces still resonate as a decorator accessory teeth. Before you decide wear braces only to follow the trend, you should know more in advance what and how the wear braces.

Braces or language kerennya also called "dental braces" or "orthodontic braces" is a tool that is used in the field of dentistry to improve the structure of the teeth is not regular. That can be improved by the braces is the order of teeth that are not located in the place, piled up, there is a rift between the teeth, or the location is too forward or rewind.

Structure of teeth that are not regularly as it may be caused by many things, such factors, or the descendants of removing the familiar thumb. Aberration can also arise because of tooth extraction, for example, because of perforated teeth that forced revoked. Dental revoked leaving the empty space in the teeth and can affect the structure of other teeth (can take a shift or italic).

For it is installed braces, namely that the structure of the teeth can become more array and does not cause deviation. Drg. Atu R. Darmawan, a specialist cosmetic dentist who is also practicing at Kharinta Clinic, said "if installed in the normal teeth, dental wires will berakibatkan average so strange shapes."

Being Soft skin with lemon

Of course you already know the famous lemon with a sour taste. Although the sour taste, but many benefits that can be taken from the skin of fruit that has a yellowish green fruit is. One of the benefits that can be taken from lime melembapkan namely to the skin on the body dry.

Skin as part terluar that protect the body from sengatan sun, sometimes the treatment is often neglected, making the skin becomes dry and even the scaly. It often reduces the confidence when someone shake hands with another person or contact with other people.

Before you prepare a bath, lemon split into several parts, and flush with the body of water. Pieces of orange juice that has been split-Shop was diusapkan to the entire body. At the lemon diusapkan, give extra emphasis on the body that feels dry, as in the arms, palms and feet (can also diusapkan to face). How then with water, and then can use a bath soap (soap body), and How the body with water and drain the body with a towel.

New Method Improves Women's fertility

The researchers infertilitas women's issues, has recently found that the process ovulasi (maturation and release of egg cells) is very dependent on the protein molecule found in the brain. Dubbed the protein called kisspeptin. According to Professor Allan Herbison, who led the team of researchers combined the University of Otago, New Zealand and Cambridge University, England, the discoveries will become the basis for new therapies to overcome interference fertility of women.

The research team found that the hormone kisspeptin is sending a signal to the reproductive system, as a sign of the beginning of the process ovulasi. Results of this research have been published in the journal Neuroscience, edition of September 2008.

This was good news after the researchers conducted experiments on rats and white female. White rats are initially given injections reseptor GPRS54 to trigger the production of gonadotrophin hormone (GnRH), which is known to very high ovulasi towards women in the body. Then known and observed that if the signal interference occurs between kisspeptin and gonadotrophin, the process ovulasi will not happen.

Avoid tip Season Flu in the Rain

In the air temperature is low, much wind, making the immune system is not optimal. As a result, influenza virus easily attacked. Moreover, if at the time that we are very busy in the conditions, lack of rest, and the food is not good enough will facilitate infected flu and colds.

How to Prevent
1. Easy way to avoid the flu, is the stamina to keep the body still good. Of course, through food, sports, and adequate rest.
2. In addition, as much as we use saputangan to cover nose and mouth, if people near us sneezing and coughing.
3. Diligent hand washing is also recommended. Why? There is research which indicates that transmission occurred through many flu handshake from sneezing.