Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Being Soft skin with lemon

Of course you already know the famous lemon with a sour taste. Although the sour taste, but many benefits that can be taken from the skin of fruit that has a yellowish green fruit is. One of the benefits that can be taken from lime melembapkan namely to the skin on the body dry.

Skin as part terluar that protect the body from sengatan sun, sometimes the treatment is often neglected, making the skin becomes dry and even the scaly. It often reduces the confidence when someone shake hands with another person or contact with other people.

Before you prepare a bath, lemon split into several parts, and flush with the body of water. Pieces of orange juice that has been split-Shop was diusapkan to the entire body. At the lemon diusapkan, give extra emphasis on the body that feels dry, as in the arms, palms and feet (can also diusapkan to face). How then with water, and then can use a bath soap (soap body), and How the body with water and drain the body with a towel.

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